03/06 - Pedro Carrasqueira
*On the foundations of a theory of deliberative reason: A logical survey
of the general principles of the theory of rational choices and coherent
Teia numérica
Este blog tem privilegiado tarefas que, de alguma forma, permitem mais do
que uma possibilidade de solução. Tratam-se de tarefas abertas, suscetíveis
de ...
Seminário do LIAMF quinta, dia 31/3
Seminário do Grupo de Lógica, Inteligência Artificial e Métodos Formais -
Numbers that look prime but aren't
A long time ago I made up the question (are questions ever really made up?)
What is the least number that *looks prime* but isn't?
It was not quite a j...
Where Are All the Dwarf Planets?
In 2006 (yes, it was that long ago – yikes) the International Astronomical
Union (IAU) officially adopted the definition of dwarf planet – they are
Upcoming trip to North America
In a few days, I’m heading off to North America, for a brief trip to give a
few talks, at Chapman University in California, Calgary University in
Space-filling curves, constructively
In 1890 Giuseppe Peano discovered a square-filling curve, and a year later
David Hilbert published his variation. In those days people did not waste
All You Need To Know About Dog Ear Infections
Otitis externa, better known as a dog's ear infections, are one of the most
common health issues that plague our canine compadres today. They are also
Nine Chapters on the Semigroup Art
While Googling something or other, I came across Nine Chapters on the
Semigroup Art, which is a leisurely introduction to the theory of
semigroups. (While ...
Every Blog Has Its Day
The FSPB has had a good run, but it’s been a while since it has been the
active place for student discussions “of issues philosophical, religious,
moral, p...
I graduated from my PhD in December and have finally gotten around to
placing my thesis on the arXiv. Because of the space limitations of arXiv
metadata, t...
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