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Toremas e metateoremas básicos da lógica

Lógica Proposicional

Metateorema da dedução





Graig's interpolation lemma for propositional calculus

Lógica de primeira ordem






Lingua Universalis vs. Calculus Ratiocinator

Segundo Hintikka, Leibniz propôs, por um lado, o desenvolvimento de uma Characteristica Universalis ou Lingua Characteristica que seria uma linguagem universal do pensamento humano cuja estrutura simbólica poderia refletir diretamente na estrutura do mundo (com respeito também aos nossos conceitos).

Por outro lado, Leibniz tinha por ambição criar um Calculus Ratiocinator compreendido como um método de cálculo simbólico que poderia representar o processo do raciocínio humano.

Informações para o script 11

Termos a serem pesquisados:

Grundy Functions (combinatorial game theory): Site 1

Games of Skill (ver Decision making using game theory - Kelly, Anthony, 1957-)


A grande maioria destes artigos está no DVD dados e biblioteca.
  • John Phillips. Two Theories of Fictional Discourse: Link
  • Steven D. Hales. The Problem of Intuition: Link
  • A Logic for Information Systems
Author(s): Dmitri A. Archangelsky and Mikhail A. Taitslin
Source: Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic, Vol. 58, No. 1, Reasoning
with Incomplete Information (Jan., 1997), pp. 3-16
Published by: Springer
Stable URL:

Abstract: A conception of an information system has been introduced by Pawlak. The study has been continued in works of Pawlak and Orlowska and in works of Vakarelov. They had proposed some basic relations and had constructed a formal system of a modal logic that describes the relations and some of their Boolean combinations. Our work is devoted to a generalization of this approach. A class of relation systems and a complete calculus construction method for these systems are proposed. As a corollary of our main result, our paper contains a solution of a Vakarelov's problem: how to construct a formal system that describes all the Boolean combinations of the basic relations. Key words: modal logic, information system, complete calculus.

  • Predelli and García-Carpintero on "Literal Meaning" (Predelli y García-Carpintero sobre Literal Meaning)
Author(s): François Recanati
Source: Crítica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, Vol. 38, No. 112 (Apr., 2006), pp. 69-79
Published by: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
Stable URL:

1 . What Literal Meaning Is About

Literal Meaning is devoted to a foundational debate in the philosophy of language: the debate between Literalism and Contextualism. According to Literalism, sentences represent the world as being thus and so and are true or false depending on how the word actually is. The task of semantics is to assign truth-conditions to sentences in a compositional fashion. According to Contextualism, this project rests on a category mistake. Natural language sentences per se don't have truth-conditions, they only have conventional meanings in virtue of which they can be used to say things that are true or false. What has content primarily is the speech act (or the thought act) and only derivatively the sentence used in performing the speech act.

  • The Real Puzzle from Radford
Author(s): Seahwa Kim
Source: Erkenntnis (1975-), Vol. 62, No. 1 (Jan., 2005), pp. 29-46
Published by: Springer
Stable URL:

Colin Radford raises the question of our emotional responses to fiction in his paper 'How can we be moved by the fate of Anna Karenina?'1 When we read a novel or watch a movie, we have emotional responses towards characters or situations portrayed. We sob, sweat, gasp, scream, smile, and laugh. We fear Darth Vader, we feel anger toward lago, and we are amused by the characters of South Park. These responses seem so natural. But Radford claims that there is something incoherent about them. How can we have them when we know that those characters are not real and those situations are just fictional?

  • The Role of Coherence of Evidence in the Non-Dynamic Model of Confirmation
Author(s): Tomoji Shogenji
Source: Erkenntnis (1975-), Vol. 63, No. 3, Coherence, Truth and Testimony (2005), pp. 317-333
Published by: Springer
Stable URL:

A defence of informational structural realism. Luciano Floridi

Appropriateness measures: an uncertainty model for vague concepts. Jonathan Lawry

Answer Sets and Qualitative Decision Making
Author(s): Gerhard Brewka
Source: Synthese, Vol. 146, No. 1/2, Non-Monotonic and Uncertain Reasoning in Cognition
(Aug., 2005), pp. 171-187
Published by: Springer
Stable URL:


  • Giuseppi Primiero. Information and Knowledge: A construtive type theoretic approach. Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science. Vol. 10. Springer. 2008 
  • The Logic Foundation of Probability (R. Carnap): Site

Bibliografia - Tese

CAMPBELL, Stephen. Flaws and Fallacies in Statistical Thinking. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey. 1974 (Bib. IMECC-UNICAMP)

EDWARDS, Elwyn. Introdução à teoria da informação. Cultrix, São Paulo. 1964 (Bib. CLE-UNICAMP)


O estranho Familiar (artigo 1)

O estranho Familiar (artigo 2)

Este tema tem tudo a ver com enigma e informação,
pois me parece que algo que libere muita informação acaba sendo estranho.
Enigma são maneiras de indicar estruturas que quardam muitas informações

HUSSERL, Edmund. L'idée de la phénoménologie. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris. 1970 (Bib. Central UNICAMP)

da COSTA, Newton C. A. Lógica indutiva e probabilidade. Publicações do instituto de matemática e estatística da USP, São Paulo 1981 (Bib. CLE-UNICAMP)

Textos diversos sobre jogos combinatoriais

The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives [Hardcover]
Leonard Mlodinow
Pantheon; 2008

Information: A Very Short Introduction. Luciano Floridi. Oxford University Press, 2010

Decision making using game theory - Kelly, Anthony, (1957- ) base acervus (*****)

Metaphysica ludens: das Spiel als phänomenologische Grundfigur im Denken ...
Por Martina Roesner: site

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